Corrigan’s Corner: 32 Greatest WrestleMania Moments

Relive the reasons why you're a wrestling fan.
Undertaker Fan Reaction

It’s those timeless actions that define a generation, the ones you watch over and over and share with friends and family. Whether they include celebrities or feature breathtaking moves or climax a heated rivalry, these are the special moments that make WrestleMania the Showcase of the Immortals.

32. The Brain Returns to WrestleMania

“By the time Iron Sheik gets to the ring, it’ll be WrestleMania 38!”

31. Hulkamania Runs Wild

As Muhammad Hassan and Daivari pummeled Eugene during WrestleMania 21, the fans clamored for their American hero to save the day. And one night after being inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame, the Hulkster donned the boas and tights one more time and ran wild on the nefarious foreigners.

30. Linda Squashes Grapefruits

After being sedated for months by her evil husband, Linda rose from her chair and blasted Vince with a kick in the grapefruits to a thunderous pop at WrestleMania X-7. (Around 12:40)

29. Rousey Gets Rowdy

If it ever leads to a match, then this moment will go down as the Austin-Tyson confrontation of the 21st century. It ran a bit longer than necessary, but when The Rock brought Ronda Rousey into the ring, the buildup was worth it just to see Steph and Triple H whooped by the MMA megastar.

28. Austin in the Pit

A couple of wrestling’s most notorious rebels finally meeting face-to-face had me most excited for WrestleMania 21. As soon as “Rowdy” Roddy screamed “Bullshit” and the glass broke, you could feel the tension and electricity through the screen. Although Carlito’s interruption killed the energy, for a few moments it seemed that anything could happen and no one was safe.

27. Flair’s People’s Elbow

Evolution’s battle against the reuniting Rock & Sock Connection was ignited by Mick Foley’s feud with Randy Orton, but became immortalized with Ric Flair facing The Rock. The two most entertaining men in wrasslin’, no, television history exchanged dueling chops, struts and even People’s Elbows.

26. Vince Shaved Bald

If Mr. McMahon had kept his shaved, this moment would rank higher. However, it’s still fun to watch Bobby Lashley, Stone Cold and Donald “BY GAWD” Trump shred Vinnie Mac’s infamous pompadour.

25. Trish Screws Jericho

Hell hath no fury like a Canadian woman’s scorn. During Chris Jericho’s bout with Christian at WrestleMania XX, Trish Stratus showed up to seemingly cheer on Y2J, but ended up distracting him for Christian to win. Then she slapped the shit out of Fozzy’s frontman and played tonsil hockey with Captain Charisma.


24. HotRod Returns

Just when you think you know the answer, “Rowdy” Roddy Piper changes the question. With Mr. McMahon and Hulk Hogan both wounded in the ring, the Seattle crowd buzzed as a man in a leather jacket and ball cap waltzed into the ring. Once he removed his disguise and revealed a kilt, the audience popped. HotRod had returned once again and decked his arch nemesis Hulky Baby with a lead pipe.

23. HBK’s Zipline

Years before elaborate WrestleMania entrances were cool, Shawn Michaels set another trend as he ziplined across the Arrowhead Pond in Anaheim, California at WrestleMania XII.

22. 20-foot Swanton

The Triangle Ladder match at WrestleMania 2000 redefined hardcore wrestling and spawned a new genre: TLC. Jeff Hardy ascending a 20-foot ladder in the aisle way and then hitting a Swanton onto Bubba Ray Dudley through a table…only Joey Styles can sum that up.

21. Undertaker’s Final Dive

Fans gasped as The Deadman nearly paralyzed himself diving over the top rope at WrestleMania XXV when a cameraman (Deuce of Deuce & Domino) failed to catch him.

20. Warrior Returns

Ultimate Warrior saved WrestleMania VIII from ending in disaster as Papa Shango and Sid Justice double-teamed Hulk Hogan until the Warrior dashed to his former opponent’s aid, returning from an 8-month hiatus.

19. The Dragon Soars Again

During Chris Jericho’s handicap match against three Hall of Famers at WrestleMania XXV, everyone expected a couple Codebreakers and a Lionsault in about five minutes. After Roddy Piper and Jimmy Snuka had been eliminated, the fans were ready for Y2J to finish off Ricky Steamboat and then target Mickey Rourke.

However, The Dragon turned back the clock to 1987 and brought the fight to Jericho, hitting him with chops and a crossbody and even skinning the cat!

18. Pete Rose

Forget baseball, Charlie Hustle would have made an excellent pro wrestling manager. His hilarious monologue running down Boston at WrestleMania XIV still cracks me up. (“How bout it?”) Of course, all good times come to an end as Kane silenced Rose with a tombstone.

17. DX vs NWO

Did it make sense? Hell no. But was it fun? Aw hell yeah!

As Triple H seemed hopeless while trapped in the Scorpion Deathlock, DX members Billy Gunn, Road Dogg and X-Pac hit the ring to save their leader from Sting. A few moments later, a familiar scratch blasted over the speakers as Scott Hall, Kevin Nash and “Hollywood” Hogan walked down the ramp to brawl with DX.

It was every Attitude Era fan’s dream come true.

16. Spear to Hardy

As Jeff Hardy dangled high above the ring, both hands clasping the Tag Team Titles, Edge leapt from a ladder in the corner, spearing the Rainbow-Haired Warrior some 15 feet to the mat.

15. HBK Slaps The Deadman

In one last act of defiance, the patriarch of D-Generation X gestured a throat slash and then slapped the Undertaker before the irate Phenom delivered a deadly tombstone to end Michaels’ illustrious career.

14. Andre Slaps Heenan

What ranks this slap higher than Michaels’ is that Andre snapped on “The Weasel” after three years of being brainwashed and then rode off in the fans’ adoration for his final major appearance.

13. Flaming Table Spear

Edge spearing Mick Foley through a flaming table it jolted the WWE Universe as the Hardcore Legend finally managed to attain his craved “WrestleMania moment.”

12. Benoit & Eddie

A celebration in 2004 became a tragedy in 2007 as the Chris Benoit double murder-homicide destroyed the feel-good moment between two friends who had achieved world championship glory.

11. The Holy Trinity

Stone Cold, Hulk Hogan and The Rock convened for a toast to WrestleMania XXX and the 29 years of magic prior.

10. Mickie James’ Finger Lick

You can’t find it on the DVD or the Network. It’s nearly impossible to find online. But if you watched WrestleMania 22 live, you’ll never forget Mickie James clutching Trish Stratus’ crotch, yanking away, and then looking directly toward the hard camera, licking between her two fingers in the sexiest pre-porn image I’d ever seen.

9. Austin Era Has Begun

The Texas Rattlesnake countered Sweet Chin Music into the Stunner, covered the HeartBreak Kid, and Mike Tyson counted to three. That moment launched the WWF back into the mainstream conscience and kicked off the hottest period in the sport’s history.


8. YEStleMania

Another celebration that, as of this writing, turned bittersweet was Daniel Bryan finally overcoming The Authority and winning the WWE World Heavyweight Championship in front of 75,000 arm-pumping fans at the Superdome. Unfortunately, Bryan was stripped of the title a few weeks later due to nagging injuries that continue to prevent the Miracle Kid from returning to the ring.

7. Austin Sells His Soul

Jesus shaking hands with Hitler is less shocking than Stone Cold teaming with Mr. McMahon because at least Jesus forgives. For five years, it had been ingrained that Austin doesn’t trust anyone. But in his hometown, in the main event of the greatest WrestleMania, in the final moments of his battle with his toughest rival, the Texas Rattlesnake sold his soul and enlisted Satan’s help in capturing the WWE Championship.

6. Cash In

Seth Rollins shocked the world by crashing the main event of WrestleMania 31 and winning the WWE World Heavyweight Championship by curb stomping his former Shield brother, Roman Reigns.

5. Austin Passes Out

Locked in the Sharpshooter, blood flowing down his face, Stone Cold Steve Austin refused to surrender to arch rival Bret Hart. Unfortunately, his body gave out and the Hitman was awarded the victory. But Austin truly won the war by proving that he was indeed the world’s toughest SOB, and the fans agreed. The Austin Era commenced one year before J.R. announced it.


4. Macho & Elizabeth Reunite

Arguably the greatest storyline in wrestling history, Randy Savage and Miss Elizabeth’s rollercoaster relationship echoed the standard naïve sweetheart falling in love with the cocky high school jock. Whereas that theme usually ends in the girl’s heart being broken, WWF’s premiere couple salvaged their relationship when Liz sat in the crowd at WrestleMania VII, pulling for Macho Man in his “career ending” match against Ultimate Warrior despite their tumultuous breakup two years prior. After Warrior defeated Savage, “Sensational” Queen Sherri attacked her now-expired meal ticket, pummeling Macho until Liz hopped the barricade, rushed to the ring, and tossed Sherri outside the ring.

Savage rose from the mat, his eyes meeting the compassion in Liz’, and embraced his former manager while fans cried tears of joy that love, not Brock Lesnar, conquers all.

3. Hogan slams Andre

The 8th Wonder of the World had been slammed in other territories, but WWF fans had never seen Andre lifted off his feet. When the Hulkster finally slammed the Giant at WrestleMania III, the 93,000 in attendance roared, breathing life into Hulkamania.

2. The Streak Ends

I wasn’t at the Dallas motorcade on that November day, but I did witness The Streak die in New Orleans.

1. “I’m sorry, I love you”

When Shawn Michaels uttered those words to Ric Flair, seconds before superkicking his idol and ending his WWE career, professional wrestling transcended from sports-entertainment to pure American art. That quote elevated an average match with historic value to a moment etched in the hearts and minds of wrasslin’ fans around the world. This was no longer just the retirement of the greatest wrestler ever—this was generations of fans tearfully waving goodbye to The Man who made us fall in love with the genre.

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