JustNeph: Nephtali Rodriguez Talks Career And More

Before Pro Wrestling BAM on 8/19, JustNeph chats w/ Wrestledelphia to discuss his burgeoning career.

Nephtali Rodriguez made his confirmation at St. Finbar’s in Brooklyn, taking that next step into adulthood in front of his family and friends.

This Friday he brings his alter ego, “JustNeph,” to that same church for the Battle of the TV Stars. He’ll be joined by his best friend since those grade school days, Jason Carrion, as they face the Cam-An Connection: American Grit’s Cam Zagami and Paragon Pro Wrestling’s Anthony Greene.

“The Cam-An Connection is a fluid team,” Neph said. “They work well together. But the difference is Jason and I are childhood best friends. We know each other’s moves, each other’s rhythm, each other’s breathing.”

After all, it was Jason who helped Neph break into the business by recommending the Warriors of Wrestling promoters check out his buddy’s gift of gab. He had no formal training to take bumps or wrestle a match, but he could certainly draw heat on the mic.

“I was sitting in a living room and they said we’re going to have a tag team with a black guy and a white guy called the Oreo Express,” Neph recalled. “They wanted me to cut a promo—I didn’t know who was in it. No names, no pictures, nothing. I don’t even remember what I said, but they were impressed.”

For the next four years, Neph managed a local stable known as the Syndicate. He also ditched his Brooklyn upbringing and assumed the moniker of a rich, trust-fund kid from Argentina.

“I’d go to thrift stores to buy mix-matched suitcases,” Neph said. “When people would make fun of me, I would tell them they’re not up on the latest styles.”

About two and half years ago, he began training at Warriors of Wrestling’s school and fully transitioned into active competition. He got himself into great shape and honed his craft alongside the rising stars on the Northeast independent scene.


He also became a reality television star.

Jason was offered a role on Married at First Sight—a reality series on FYI, formerly The Biography Channel. When he learned that he’d have to marry a total stranger on the show, he confided in Neph.

“I gave him the best advice any best friend could give,” Neph said. “Let’s flip a coin.”

It landed on heads and Jason’s life changed forever. But so did Neph’s, who scored plenty of screen time as Jason’s pal. In the first season, the producers kept bringing Neph on for dinner scenes or hang outs.

“If our lives were Charles in Charge, I was Buddy,” Neph laughed.

When it was time for the second season, he was cast as his own character. The producers wanted to tell Neph’s story, which took quite the twist stemming from Jason’s bachelor party in Las Vegas.

Two women recognized Jason and wanted a picture, so the producer suggested they come along for the party.

“I was a little intoxicated and my friend told me to talk to these girls,” Neph said. “I sat next to her, looked at her and the first words to come out of my mouth were ‘How does it feel to be sitting in my presence?’

“She rolled her eyes and we went back and forth the whole night.”

Jasmine, the southern belle from Texas, decided to move to Brooklyn to live with Neph—a perfect hook for the second season of Married at First Sight. A huge Stone Cold fan growing up, Jasmine has adapted nicely to the culture of wrasslin’, even selling Neph’s merchandise at independent shows.

“JustNeph is a strategist. Wrestling is a game of chess and he knows all the moves.”

You can follow JustNeph on and .

takes place August 19 at 138 Bay 20th St., Brooklyn, NY.

Show starts at 5:30 p.m. Admission: $5

John Corrigan
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John Corrigan

Columnist / Assistant Editor at Wrestledelphia.com
John Corrigan
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