Credit: / Miguel Discart

Levin: Attempting To Get Over, Little Hope Remains For Reigns

Though it seems to be an inevitable outcome, Roman Reigns winning the WWE World Heavyweight Championship for a third time won't go over well in Dallas.

If life wasn’t hard enough for Roman Reigns, simply because he cannot buy a break of late, then the response he will get for becoming the ring leader of a generation that does not want him as their champion might be louder than any pop other wrestlers get.

And it may not be just the fans who are about to cause a mutiny in Stamford, CT. It seems WWE personnel, as well as the roster, are just as ticked off about how Reigns hasn’t gotten over. Yet, Vince McMahon still insists on crowning the former Shield member as the next John Cena.

Where’s a double turn when you need it?

This problem was brought on by WWE, not Reigns—who would have been the champion we all wanted had the company chose him to go over rather than Batista at the Royal Rumble in 2014.

Injuries, time away from the ring, bad booking, and of course, The Authority made sure Reigns took the long and winding road to become the tepid champion we all know and hate.

It really did not have to be this way.

Reigns himself doesn’t seem too phased by the fans’ reaction, though. There have been other champions who didn’t receive a royal treatment upon claiming the title. Ron Garvin, Tommy Rich, and Vince McMahon ring a bell.

“It’s a tough one because there is no one answer,” Reigns told the Kingston Whig-Standard. “There is no one reason why someone would want to boo me. Maybe they don’t like what I wear, how I sound, maybe I did something to offend them.”

The one thing that people who boo Reigns seem to all agree on is the fact that Roman Reigns is slowly becoming the next John Cena, being pushed heavily when fans don’t seem to want it.

And Reigns is also quick to point out that he won’t change for anyone. Just as John Cena, who has made a living on dividing an arena with his love-hate relationship with the WWE Universe, Reigns may face a more drastic outcome.

A turn solves all of this, but there is little resolution to this problem. A living hell could await the new champion no one wants to root for.

Photo Credit: Original image taken by photographer Miguel Discart and appeared on .

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