Q&A: ‘The Reconstruction Of Chyna’ Director Erik Angra Speaks With Wrestledelphia (Part II)

rik Angra, a cinematographer and documentary filmmaker, spoke with Wrestledelphia.com founder Mark Whited about his latest project—a documentary about former WWF Women’s champion and two-time WWF Intercontinental champion Chyna. The...
Chyna & Film Crew
Erik Angra, a cinematographer and documentary filmmaker, spoke with Wrestledelphia.com founder Mark Whited about his latest project—a documentary about former WWF Women’s champion and two-time WWF Intercontinental champion Chyna.

The Reconstruction of Chyna is currently funded by investors and Angra has also launched a Kickstarter in hopes that fans will too support the creation of the film.

We asked Angra to open up about the “Ninth Wonder of the World.”

Click Here for part one of our Q&A with Angra.

Mark Whited: When Chyna was at the WWE Headquarters, did she meet with Triple H, Vince McMahon, or anyone of importance?

Erik Angra: “Well, I actually didn’t go in the building with her. So I can’t really say who she may or may not have met with. All I know is that Chyna went in there looking to make amends.”

MW: Would that appear on the documentary or were no cameras allowed in the building?

EA: “No, cameras weren’t allowed in. What happened inside the office won’t appear in the documentary because, one, we didn’t have permission, and two, the cameras weren’t in the building. We have her on tape going in and coming back out, and that will be mentioned in the documentary. She was just there to make amends.

Not that everything was all her fault, though. Everything is always two sided in relationships. I’m not trying to say that she’s trying to apologize and all that kind of stuff. She’s just trying to go in there and make amends with people and sit down and have a conversation.”

MW: Is the wrestling world still very much important to Chyna?

EA: “I think it is. I think she feels that she really deserves to be in the WWE Hall of Fame, as I do along with a lot of other people. I think that’s really the big campaign. Along with just doing the film, were doing this “Chyna 2016″ campaign for a chance for her to be in the Hall of Fame. She was one of the greatest female wrestlers ever; one of the greatest wrestlers ever.

She deserves to be in there. There’s been comments on why she shouldn’t be. But one could look at a lot of other wrestlers and at their pasts. Google them and you’ll see a lot of terrible things. So I’m not sure it’s a really valid argument to use her past as a reason that she shouldn’t be in the Hall of Fame.”

Not that everything was all her fault, though. Everything is always two sided in relationships.— Erik Angra

MW: John Corrigan wrote an article about just that a while ago. It’s got to be hard knowing her transgressions are keeping her out, while other members of the WWE Hall of Fame are in with similar or worse grievances. Do you think this might be a deep-seeded issue between Triple H and Stephanie McMahon? 

EA: “In running the company, I think Hunter is trying to be as politically correct as he can when talking to people in the press. Obviously, there was this very serious relationship that ended in a very serious way, and I think that needs to be settled between them. They never really got closure in a proper way and I think that is part of it.

I can’t really speculate on what his actual reason is as to why Chyna is not in the WWE, because all he mentioned was the Goggle searches. But I think we can all assume that with the way their relationship ended that there might be something more there.”

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Wrestledelphia.com founder Mark Whited can be reached at . Follow him on Twitter at  or .

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Mark Whited

Founder / Editor-In-Chief at Wrestledelphia.com
An avid writer and fan of wrestling since he was eight years old, Mark Whited founded Wrestledelphia.com in May 2014. While hoping to one day step foot in a wrestling ring, he also writes for a number of outlets, including The Philadelphia Inquirer.
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  • To Recognize Chyna Only After Death Is Shameful, WWE
    22 April 2016 at 9:01 AM
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    […] documentary, “The Reconstruction of Chyna” The film’s director, Erik Angra, told Wrestledelphia in a 2015 interview that a WWE Hall of Fame induction was paramount to Chyna, the film, and those […]

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