Quarterfinals: March Madness Of Wrestling Promos

We’re getting down to the good stuff. Austin 3:16 vs. Punk’s Pipebomb. Ultimate Warrior’s final speech against Ric Flair’s Royal Rumble tear. Cane Dewey vs. Old Yeller. Goosebumps just...
Credit: WWE 2K14 promotional poster
Credit: WWE 2K14 promotional poster

We’re getting down to the good stuff.

Austin 3:16 vs. Punk’s Pipebomb. Ultimate Warrior’s final speech against Ric Flair’s Royal Rumble tear.

Cane Dewey vs. Old Yeller.

Goosebumps just typing this!

You can view the bracket here: http://challonge.com/wrestledelphiapromobracket

So without further adieu, you can now vote on the quarterfinals by commenting below or tweeting me @notready4radio or e-mailing me at .

Voting ends Mar. 24 at 12:01 a.m.

One Comment
  • Amanda
    22 March 2015 at 8:44 PM
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    BE #1 Austin 3:16 (this one was especially tough for me)
    BF #20 Warrior’s Final Speech
    BG #15 Monday Nyquill
    BH #6 Old Yeller

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