WWE: Five Angles That Would Work For Tyler Breeze

Brian Alvarez of Wrestling Observer Live reported earlier this week that Tyler Breeze is not only slated to debut on the WWE main roster in the coming days or...

Brian Alvarez of Wrestling Observer Live reported earlier this week that Tyler Breeze is not only slated to debut on the WWE main roster in the coming days or weeks, but that the company is ready to make heavy investment in his character. During Tuesday’s television taping of SmackDown, Breeze reportedly made said debut.

Breeze is notable for having one of the more developed, unique characters in NXT and may be the most main-roster ready call-up the developmental brand has ever produced, even though he never won the NXT Championship. Now that Breeze has arrived, there are a multitude of ways WWE can utilize Breeze’s talents.

Here’s five of them in no particular order of importance:

1) Defeat John Cena At Hell In A Cell

A Wrestledelphia article that was published a couple of weeks ago outlined some Superstars who could immediately benefit from John Cena’s impending leave of absence. With Hell in a Cell just four days away, and Cena set to host at least one more open challenge, it would be reasonable for Breeze to win the belt in his first career match. It would speak to what the company really thinks of him, and with Cena not around to immediately take his heat back, Breeze can coast for the next few months, feuding with whoever may come his way (Dean Ambrose immediately comes to mind).

There would also be a level of irony to this considering how many times Breeze came up short in NXT title matches. If nothing else, a Tyler Breeze United State Championship run would serve notice to the rest of the locker room that “Prince Pretty” is to be taken seriously.

2) Go After Luchadores/Masked Superstars

Remember back in WCW when Eddie Guerrero got permission to unmask all the luchadores in an attempt to find the guy that “stole his wallet?” Eddie’s reaction to each wrestler unmasking was priceless, in that it sold the notion that these Mexican wrestlers actually wore masks to hide their hideous looking faces. It was outlandish enough to help Guerrero get over as a heel and a similar storyline could work for Breeze.

There’s plenty of guys on the roster for him to target: Los Matadores, Sin Cara, Kalisto, even Kane if he continues to work as the masked demon. A storyline like this would provide comedic opportunities as well as something logical for Breeze’s character to do, especially if the company foresees him as a midcarder.

3) Clean Up After The Dolph Ziggler/Rusev Angle

The WWE creative team as of late has been on a remarkable, maybe even historic run of illogical booking and storyline dismantling. From Erick Rowan’s sudden reappearance, to Rusev and Lana’s ill-timed engagement, nothing seems to be making sense anymore. But at least in the case of Rusev and Lana, there is hope. Imagine Summer Rae appearing on Raw and cutting a promo about how she’s been wronged by men time and time again, only to announce that she has a new man—a better man, who also happens to be “The King of Cuteville.”

It would make sense from a storyline standpoint while finally giving Summer Rae a permanent, meaningful assignment on the main roster. Plus, think of all the puns you can make out of “Summer” and “Breeze.”

4) Replicate The Michaels-Martel Feud From 1992

This idea wouldn’t necessarily be the way to debut Breeze, but at SummerSlam ’92, Shawn Michaels and Rick Martel—two superstars with incredibly narcissistic gimmicks—faced off in a match in which neither man was allowed to strike the other in the face. The result was awesome then and a similar angle done today could be just as awesome.

Breeze’s involvement in the match speaks for itself, but the question then becomes who his adversary could be? The Miz immediately comes to mind for being sensitive about messing up “The Moneymaker,” but those two would make better tag-team partners than rivals. Daniel Bryan also comes to mind as this could be a good way to ease him back into action if he gets cleared to return from his latest concussion.

In a perfect world where his push wouldn’t have come to a screeching halt, Fandango would be an excellent choice to slide into this spot. Like Sensational Sherri was to the 1992 match, Summer Rae would make for a great added element. Dolph Ziggler would also make sense depending on the direction of his character in the coming months. But no matter the opponent, a match like this would make for excellent mid-card filler at WrestleMania 32.

5) Proclaim Himself To Be The True Innovator Of The Divas’ Revolution

The Divas’ Revolution storyline has gotten so out of control that last month on Raw, Michael Cole actually said, “There are many, including me, who believe the Bella Twins started the Divas Revolution.” This has since become a meme on r/SquaredCircle, but the point is that the storyline has devolved to the point that it can be saved only through drastic measures.

Breeze could interrupt one of the Divas’ weekly Six-Man Tag matches, and with a microphone in hand, step in the ring and talk down to them, declaring himself the Father of the Divas’ Revolution.

It would definitely generate heat, which really is the purpose of a good heel. Then again, maybe he doesn’t even have to interact with the Divas. Perhaps he just comes out and starts proclaiming himself to be the real face of the revolution—completely separate from the Divas.

It would successfully serve to take the brand aspect of the revolution off the Divas and allow them to go out and simulate actual storylines, rather than have everything they do centered around an idea that WWE is using to turn a massive profit.

Wrestledelphia.com columnist Jack Goodwillie can be reached at . Follow him on Twitter at .

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