Alpert: 5 Reasons Why Chris Jericho Should Become Mr. Money In The Bank

You probably won't cash in on Y2J winning, but Yale Alpert gives five reasons why he should.

Since 2005, the WWE Money in the Bank Ladder match has been a staple for WWE programming. The match was exclusive to WrestleMania until 2010, leading to a yearly pay-per-view being named after the match, and of course, featuring it. Out of the 16 briefcases cashed in, the briefcase holder has taken home a championship as a result 14 times.

This year, the Money in the Bank match looks to regain prominence after a lackluster match and cash in last year by Sheamus. And already, the match features the best that WWE’s mid-card has to offer. However, there’s one participant that sticks out the most. I wouldn’t cash in (pun intended) on this participant winning, but this could cement the prominence of the annual match. Here are five reasons why Chris Jericho should take his rightful throne.

The Perfect Heel

As we have learned from the best of the Money in the Bank class such as Edge and Seth Rollins, the briefcase is best in the hands of a heel (I know, last year’s debacle doesn’t do this statement any favors). Right now, Jericho can fit that mold.

His gimmick is the only gimmick on the current roster that can be translatable to the heel or face category.

He knows how to shine as either one, whether talking smack about how trashy Stephanie McMahon is, or just burning an AJ Styles t-shirt in the middle of the ring while calling him out.

He’s Still Got It

His wrestling gives him the credibility he needs as a heel. The Codebreaker can be done out of nowhere, including from the top rope or even from a defensive position. How he works with other wrestlers is also a valuable asset to his in-ring ability.

Jericho is the most experienced wrestler on the main roster and he also is the last man standing in WWE to have had prominent careers in WCW and ECW.

Best Surprise Ever (Well, Maybe Second Best)

It will be hard to ever top Seth Rollins’ “Heist of the Century,” but a Chris Jericho cash in could be a wide open door of great opportunity for WWE Creative.

The key here is Jericho’s part-time contract.

WWE can give Jericho time off so that the fans forget about the fact that a Mr. Money in the Bank is on the loose. Then, when the right opportunity comes—after a multiple-month disappearance— Y2J comes out of the shadows and steals the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. Even if the cash in takes away the title from someone other than Reigns, the creative team can be the best opportunists in the WWE since arguably the best Mr. Money in the Bank, Edge.

The Code Will Soon Expire

Hopefully with the recent spring cleaning, this isn’t too soon to say, but I’m afraid I’ve got some bad news. While Y2J has been one of the key contributors to WWE and wrestlers have come-and-gone while he has stayed, he cannot stay forever.

Jericho is 45 years old.

In the sport of professional wrestling, we barely get to see anyone stay in the squared circle at that age or over. The WWE Universe has been very lucky to have the ring graced by Jericho for the past 17 years. Jericho has been a true leader in the ring and locker room, but at his age, he will probably start thinking about hanging up the boots for good soon. Let’s give him one last hurrah.

The Brain Behind The Briefcase

Once again jumping back to 2005, the Money in the Bank match was first featured at WrestleMania 21. This match featured Jericho, and he is one of the last two remaining active WWE Superstars from that match (Kane was the other). He didn’t win, but he had an even bigger significance behind the match.

The match was Jericho’s idea.

He pitched the idea of the match to then-GM Eric Bischoff, and once all things fell into place, the match was booked and is still one to remember. 11 years later, the Money in the Bank match is still one of the most anticipated matches of the year, and with Jericho on the possible brink of ending his career, it’s time to give the devil his due.

He’s a great wrestler, a powerful heel, a skilled innovator, and such a dedicated individual should have one of the last honors of his career be one that has helped multiple wrestlers reach their destiny: as becoming a member of the Mr. Money in the Bank Club.

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One Comment
  • Ryson
    29 May 2016 at 8:23 AM
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    Yes… Chris jericho should be given this golden oppurtunity to be the mr money in the bank…. Because no one is worth than jericho to be the mr money in bank… He is the best in the world

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