Goodwillie: Kofi Kingston Should Win #MITB

he inclusion of Kofi Kingston in this year’s Money in the Bank ladder match is being overlooked by many and I myself was one of those people until a...
Kofi Kingston
The inclusion of Kofi Kingston in this year’s Money in the Bank ladder match is being overlooked by many and I myself was one of those people until a recent epiphany thanks to a recent wrestling dream sequence I had (it’s where I get most of my outlandish ideas).

What if the means to the end is a Kofi Kingston victory at Money in the Bank?

The New Day faction has rebounded from a shaky first few months and has since developed the connection with the fans that they needed in order to get over. It may not have necessarily been the connection that creative had in mind for them, but they found it nonetheless and have become entertaining in a variety of different ways.

Here are four of the key reasons why I think now is the time to pull the trigger on Kofi Kingston as this year’s Mr. Money in the Bank.

Freebird Rule With The Briefcase

A New Day victory at Money in the Bank would serve the purpose of keeping the concept fresh heading into its second decade of existence. Nearly every scenario has been done with the briefcase. We have seen premeditated cash-ins, post-match cash-ins, mid-match cash-ins, failed cash-ins, Wrestlemania cash-ins and extreme cash-ins, among others.

What we have yet to see is a cash-in that is completed using the “freebird rule.”

Named initially for the Fabulous Freebirds having the ability to defend their tag team titles with any two out of their three members. New Day employ this same concept as the current tag team champions, but with the prospect of the Money in the Bank briefcase coming into play, it opens up a whole new world of possibilities for the briefcase.

The world champion would need to watch out for not one guy, but three guys as any one of Kingston, Woods or Big E would be eligible to use the briefcase. Alternatively, creative could have multiple members try to use it at the same time, thus creating dissention in the group. The more options, the better and that’s what this scenario creates.

Opportunity To Create The Next African-American Star

Many people would agree that Kofi Kingston’s window to become a main event player has slammed shut with the new wave of talent that has swept through WWE over the past couple of years. In spite of that, he has more than proved that he can be a capable mid-card worker for as many years as he wishes to act in that role.

There is, however plenty of hope for the younger members of the group, Xavier Woods and Big E to take the next step in becoming a marketable, black superstar.

Woods is about as experienced as a wrestler can be for his age (28), signing with TNA at just 21 years old. He has since worked his way through WWE developmental and found his place on the card with the New Day. Though he is not the pure athlete Kingston is, he does have the best mic skills of the group and some of the best facial expressions I have seen in quite some time.

On the other side of the coin, the 29-year old Big E is the greenest member of the faction, but that said has the look of a superstar, sports some of the largest thighs I’ve ever seen on television and seems as genuinely funny as anybody on the roster. He’s no Ahmed Johnson.

The Element Of Surprise

Thanks to the paranoia that WWE’s booking of this past year’s Royal Rumble instilled in its fans, there seems to be a very good chance that Roman Reigns gets the nod as this year’s Money in the Bank winner. And that’s okay. From a storyline standpoint it seems to make the most sense. On top of that, a lot has changed since the Rumble, and he seems to be getting over a little bit more organically than he was when McMahon and company tried to rocketship him to top babyface status.

That said, there is always something to be said for a great surprise, and a Kofi Kingston victory would be just that. It would be the cherry on top of what may very well be the best non-Wrestlemania Pay-Per-View we’ve seen this year, or perhaps will see. Aside from myself and all of you reading this piece, nobody will have seen it coming.

Kofi Kingston Finally Gets His Due

Kofi Kingston has long been a guy that WWE would insert into matches like this one to create “OMG” moments with his freakish athleticism, balance, creativity and willingness to take a risk. He has provided us with some of the coolest spots in the history of the match, like when he used a broken ladder as a pair of stilts at Wrestlemania 26.

What better way to thank him for his contributions than by booking him to win Money in the Bank this year? I can’t imagine that it would garner too harsh of a reaction (aside from expected heel heat) and if there were ever a time to pull a trigger on this, it would be right now while the New Day is as hot as ever.

Kingston said on Raw that should he become Mr. Money in the Bank, the entire New Day faction are winners. But really, a Kofi Kingston win on Sunday would make everybody watching at home winners too. It opens up a whole new realm of possibilities and I for one can’t be mad about that. staff writer Jack Goodwillie can be reached at . Follow him on Twitter at .

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