Taroff: Will The Hardys Invade WWE?

Troy Taroff speculates on whether Broken Matt and Brother Nero will return to Meekmahan Land.

It may be happening sooner than we expected.

After contracts talks within TNA broke down earlier this week, Matt and Jeff Hardy have reportedly left Impact Wrestling and told other independent promotions that they will not be taking any more bookings after their bout with The Young Bucks at Supercard of Honor XI on April 1.

Will Matt be bringing his “Broken Brilliance” to the WWE?  It looks like a sure thing. Maybe we’ll be getting a much-needed kick in the ass in the tag team division regardless of whichever brand the Hardys join.

However, it remains to be seen if Matt and Jeff will bring their widely popular “broken” gimmicks with them.  If they don’t, then there is no reason for them to even sign on the dotted line.

Broken Matt and Brother Nero have been the hottest act in pro wrestling for the past nine months. For the WWE to not allow the North Carolina brothers to have control over these characters would be something that would cause outrage. Even if The Hardys show up on the RAW after WrestleMania without their beloved gimmick, fans are still going to chant “DELETE, DELETE, DELETE!”

How stupid would that look on WWE’s part?

Also, you still have drawing power with The Charismatic Enimga. Jeff was, at one point, the most popular superstar in WWE. Bringing him back as the Brother Nero character would be a breath of fresh air and provide many new opportunities for matches and storylines. The roster has certainly changed since Jeff left WWE in 2009, but even rematches with Triple H, Big Show, Mark Henry and other staples of the Attitude Era would be seen as different and intriguing because of Jeff’s character evolution.

Hell, bring over Maxel! The littlest Hardy is certainly something different for WWE television and could spark some humorous promos for Broken Matt.  Maybe not every week, as a baby needs to be a baby and do baby things.

Casual fans who have heard of The Hardy Boyz from their earlier days in WWE will check back in on a consistent basis, and TNA diehards will also tune in to see if and how the Broken gimmick is being used. I’m not sure if TNA diehards even exist anymore, but that’s a topic for another day.

Do the right thing, Vince.  Put aside your ego and let Matt run with his “Broken Brilliance.”  You’ve already tried to copy Final Deletion with that less than stellar New Day/Wyatt Family angle back in July. So clearly you like what you see, right?

Or maybe you’re just as delusional as everyone says, and if that’s the case, you need to be DELETED!

Troy Taroff
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Troy Taroff
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